Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Great Heat Team Work Leads To Domination Of Pistons

If there was ever a way for the Heat to get ready for tomorrow night, this was it. What a great game. The Heat played like a real team tonight, in one of the best team performances of the years. I saw a lot of stuff I liked tonight.

LeBron started off with a bang. The King had a dominant first quarter and was putting up some serious points, grabbing some boards, and dishing out some assists. He got everyone involved early and made it look easy. He set the pace for this outstanding team work tonight with his great start, and the rest of the team followed in his path.

Wade got his as well. Dwayne Wade shot 7 for 9 tonight and got plenty of good looks around the rim. He let the game come to him and his whole style of game seemed to be much more fluent and natural. I like this look for Dwayne Wade.

Bosh played some solid ball. I love the way Chris Bosh shoots. The ball never seems to touch the rim when he is drilling shots, and he made it look easy tonight. LeBron found him often, and he was able to run the squad by himself when both James and Wade were taking a breather. Bosh helped the Heat keep their double digit lead through most of the second quarter. Big ups to number 1.

My favorite part of this game was the way everyone else played. Chalmers got some fantastic minutes, Howard put up 12, House added 8, and everyone else got involved in some way. Big Z had some big points early in the game and Jones shot 50 percent from the 3 point line. These guys played the way the Miami Heat were meant to play. The intensity was way up, the tenacity was through the roof, and I really can not say enough about how well this team played tonight in a +20 victory over Detroit.

And now, the focus shifts. The Detroit game was the last obstacle, and now there is nothing standing between LeBron James and Cleveland. This will be one of the biggest game in the career of LeBron James. The Cleveland fans who have scorned and terminated him from their lives will be just feet away from him. Tickets at the Q are sold out, and the drama continue to build. LeBron needs to stay focused, stay on course, and be the leader that we all know he is. Cleveland can boo all  they want, but they are not playing the game.

It is LeBron against his old team, for the first time ever.

Expect big things from the King.

Get em.

1 comment:

  1. the best thing was, that Chalmers finally got some minutes. He lead the team with team high 6 assists (want to see more from him in the future)

    J. Howard did a really good job with 12p (6/9) in 18 minutes.

    I just want to see some improvement from Eric Dampier!
