Saturday, November 6, 2010

LeBron lights up in 3rd Quarter as Heat pounds Nets 101-89

The Heat came alive in the second half to put the Nets away! At half time the score was 55-51. W Then, LeBron started to come alive. In the 3rd quarter, LeBron took the game into his own hands and dominated, including a fade away at the end of the 3rd that took the air out of any hopes New Jersey had. LeBron and Wade dominated this game

I loved watching this game. Wade, James, and Bosh played together as only the king of south beach could and dominated. The Heat came back from that tough loss to New Orleans and really proved to New Jersey that they were not about to lose two games in a row. I loved the way LeBron went to the cup hard, disproving any thought that he was hurt. His ruthless aggression to the rim set an example, and proved to New Jersey that the Heat were not going to let this game get close.

Bosh did big things tonight, dropping plus 20 points for the first time in a while. Although I would had liked to see him dominate the boards a little more, he did what he had to do to win. He really threw down some hard dunks tonight, and for me, solidified his place as part of the big 3 (not that I ever had any question he was, but there were people speculating his value).

Tonight was the LeBron-Wade air show. They ran the court together a lot and we saw plenty of high flying theatrics. The one alley-oop when Lebron had that monster throw down lit the gym up. Wade put up 29 points and 10 boards and dominated most of the game, while LeBron added 23 and 9 assists. These two are playing great off of each other, and you cannot argue that they have gelled extremely well in the first two weeks.

The energy in Miami is incredible and the crowd noise is ear shattering ( in a good way). Overall, this was a great home court victory. I can see Miami going undefeated at home this year with the home court advantage that they have, and LeBron has taken over in the second half of basketball games in ways we have never seen before. The combination of Wade in the first half and LeBron in the second is tearing teams apart. With Bosh coming into his own, a lot of teams are going to have a hard time. Tonight had proven that, once these 3 guys get started, they are incredibly hard to stop.

And of course, everyone knows, LeBron will always bring the Heat.

Get em' LeBron!

Meet the Heat: James Jones

So I am going to try and incorporate a weekly post called Meet the Heat. In this post, we will be looking at the players OTHER than LeBron, Dwayne, and Chris, and really focus on the ever-so-important play makers that surround them. This first Meet the Heat post will focus on small forward, James Jones.

Many people have heard the name James Jones thrown around since the season began. The thing is, not a lot of people knew of him prior to this season. I am now going to take the time give a little bit of background...

James Jones was born and raised in Miami, where he attended American Senior High school. Jones was a stand out high school player for his shooting and size. Although very thin, Jones was a lights out shooter with a pure stroke that was NBA ready.

In the 2003 NBA Draft, Jones was selected 49th overall by the Indiana Pacers, and organization based on fundamental shooting. After playing less than half an hour of total minutes his rookie year, he soared to new heights playing almost a full season in 2004-2005. That year he was in the top 25 for NBA 3 point percentage.

Jones bounced around the NBA. First he was traded to the Suns in 2005, followed by being traded to Portland shortly after that. While in Portland, he remained 3rd in the league in shooting percentage.

In 2008 Jones finally decided to opt out of his contract with Portland and become a free agent. the following July, Jones signed a contract with the Miami Heat for a 5 year, 23 million dollar contract.

In June of 2010 Jones was released to clear up cap space, only to be re signed to the Heat for the league minimum. He now comes off the bench for Miami to knock down 3's, and many times the Heat's blow outs are complimented by Jones terrific three point shooting.

Jones is one of the rare pure shooters the NBA has. I expect him to do some damage this season. Look for number 22 tonight against the New Jersey Nets. LeBron and Wade will be sure to get him involved.

Nets At Heat Tonight at 7:30: What To Expect

The Nets are coming into Miami tonight to play the Heat for the second time this season. Last time these two met, the Heat routed the Nets in one of the +20 point victories. Heres what I expect to see this game...

Miami's defense was not its usual self tonight, I expect that to change in big ways. I expect lock down D and the Nets to be held to under 85 points. Miami is going to take this opportunity to make up for last night.

Look for a lot of attacking the rim early, from the whole team. I expect them to be pretty angry about the loss last night, and the Nets just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Look for Bosh to continue to get better in this offense. I would like to see 15 points from him today with at least six or seven rebounds.

I would like to see 5 bodies going for boards after every shot the Nets take. Miami knows rebounding is an issue, and they also know two of their big men are shooters first (Bosh and Z). I want to see a clear the boards mentality from everyone on the court.

The Nets shot terribly the first game, so I expect this game to be a bit closer. If Miami can feed off that home courts energy, however, this game is going to get ugly fast. I think the Heat are going to be one of the top home teams in basketball this year (Along with Boston, LA, OKC, and Golden State).

Finally, I want to see LeBron continue to get James Jones and Eddie House involved the way he was been. Part of being a leader on your time is making the players around you better, which LeBron has always done. Look for Jones to shoot well today.

My final prediction - There are a lot of x factors here, but I am going to say Heat put the Nets away early. I think Miami will win by at least 14 points.

Hornets top Miami by 3

This game was a lot like the first game of the season against Boston. We saw a lot of similarities to the Celtics game. Basically, Chris Paul had a strong game, much like Rondo. Trevor Ariza started out hot and gave New Orleans a solid lead, which they did not give up until late in the fourth quarter. Lets break this game down and see what good and bad we can take away from it...


-the defense was not its usual Miami Heat lock down D. The Heat gave up a high shooting percentage, and Chris Paul used his quickness to get into the lane frequently. Ariza got too many open looks, and it cost them in the end.

-the rebounding just was not their tonight. This going to be a tough area for Miami. Even when they win by 25, there are always a lot of second chance opportunities. I saw way too many offense boards and tip outs from the Hornets today,so I would definitely say its something that needs improvement.


-LeBron hit some clutch free throws to give New Orleans the lead. In a hostile away game, those are the types of points Miami needs. He stepped up and knocked down some big ones towards the end, and Miami's entire comeback was based on the free throw line.

- Bosh hit A HUGE shot. I know Bosh is always criticized for being a jump shot forward, but this shot in particular was big. That 3 ball was the biggest thing I have seen Bosh do this season. I like the way he played offensively tonight. I expect bigger things from him in the future.

- Miami proved they can create a strong comeback. Sure it was not completed, but Miami proved they can still play together in the closing minutes of a close game. If one or two more shots had dropped, or a few calls went the other way, I would be here talking about a Heat victory right now. I really loved what the Heat put together in the closing minutes, to spite the loss.

Good or bad aside, its rough to lose a game like that. I think everyones stomach dropped when Ariza's 3 from the corner dropped. However, like my basketball coach in middle school always told me, with every loss their is a lesson. When you break down today's game, Miami should use the lessons they learned in future games. With a stronger presence on the glass and that lock down defense we are used to, we know the Heat are going to get it done. Bosh continue to come into his own, and there is still no ceiling on Miami Heat basketball. I believe that all successful sports teams have to lose sometimes in order to truly address some of the aspects of their game that they can improve on. Early in the season, when plenty of teams are still searching for their identity, a loss like this may prove to be good for the Heat.

The Heat head home tomorrow to face the Nets for the second time this season. Although it is only a game after, expect the Heat to take out a lot of frustration on the Nets.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Heat challenge undefeated Hornets tonight at 8

New Orleans comes into this game looking good. 4-0 with the ever-so-important home court advantage. However, Miami is HOT, and are looking to roll over the Hornets like they have the past 4 teams they faced. On paper, this looks like a good match up. However, also on paper, Orlando was supposed to give Miami a run for their money. We all know how that went.

LeBron is fully expect to start in spite of his mild leg injury. In my personal opinion, Miami is a good enough team that if LeBron thought there was any risk of him hurting himself further, he would not be in the game. Therefore, I have to think that he is ready to go.

The Hornets are pretty good, and a strong defensive minded team. However, I still expect Miami to get into the lane early and often. Expect Dwayne Wade to be the early attacker, while LeBron throws a good amount of assists. I expect to see a lot of what we saw against Minnesota; early assists for LeBron and early points for Wade. How they play the second half will be a result of how LeBron's feeling, and if Miami happens to be down, look for him to try and take over.

Bosh is my X factor in this particular game. I want to see him dominate the boards like I know he can. His defensive presence is a must in the game, and he needs to be getting some monster boards in the first quarter. Miami plays great defense, just don't give New Orleans any second shot opportunities. I predict a double double from Bosh.

I want to see Jones and House continue to hit big shots. LeBron is going to find you, it is just a matter of knocking down those jumpers.

My Prediction : Miami by 12

In other news, Cleveland released a response video to Lebron's new Nike "Rise" commercial. I have a few things to say in response.

Everyone who hates LeBron in Cleveland, you should all be ashamed of yourselves. It is okay to dislike an athlete, it is okay to not support their decision, and it is okay to boo them at games. However, under no circumstances is what you have done to LeBron okay. You wonder why he didn't tell you that he was leaving? If he had told you the day after they lost to Boston that he was leaving, you would had done everything you could to drag his name through the mud and ruin his reputation. At first I was iffy about if LeBron really made the right decision to wait to tell you. But now, after seeing the way Cleveland has treated him post the decision, from owners all the way down to fans, he did the right thing. I understand you have not had a championship for a very long time, and LeBron was supposed to bring that. But the fact of the matter is he broke his back for Cleveland carrying a team for 7 years, and he did more for your city economically than you can imagine. If this was 30 years ago, none of you would dream talk about an athlete like that, not on TV, not in the news, not in the magazines. It just wouldn't exist because their was something that existed called human decency. The bottom line, it's a sports team, your mayor didn't leave, your governor didn't leave. You lost an athlete, and after the way I have seen you deliberately attack him, you all need to take a good look in a mirror. If you saw him in person, would you still be saying all the things you said to him, would you like it if you went to a better job and everyone from your old job did everything they could to make you look like the devil for wanting something more? You all need to stop and think about what you are saying. Get a grip.

Get em' Lebron.

All eyes on Miami

Today I read an article on by Shaun Powell talking about what Miami is doing for the NBA right now. The popularity of the NBA has skyrocketed since LeBron made the decision and-whether you love the Heat or hate them- no one can miss a second of their games.

This is not surprising at all. I don't think anyone really expected two of the best 3 players in the league to go unwatched, especially if they happen to be wearing the same jersey. The Heat are evolving into a team like the New York Yankees or Dallas Cowboys (coincidentally, LeBron' favorite baseball and football team. I was lucky enough to be able go to the Heat at Nets game this season, and you would not believe you many LeBron, Wade, and Bosh jerseys I saw. The Heat are creating a following similar to the Lakers and Celtics, where no matter where they go they will have some fan base. However, those who do not love the Heat, hate the Heat. Most of it is out of jealousy. I notice a lot of New York Knicks shirts saying negative things about LeBron. To all the Knicks fans out there, you had your chance, your offer was not good enough, get over it.

LeBron, Wade, and Bosh are lifting the height up to heights unimaginable in a matter of weeks. If this continues, the Heat can reach platforms that took teams like the Celtics and Lakers centuries in a matter of years. With all the spot lights pointed at the new big 3, South Beach just got a lot hotter.

5 Reasons LeBron is King of NBA

Many people have had their say on LeBron these days. I am here to tell you that LeBron is without a doubt the best player in the NBA. When you look at all the factors, you can clearly see my point.

5. Work ethic- No one in the NBA works harder than LeBron. When he came into the league he was considered a star before he even stepped foot in the court. Many people would let this get to their head, and be lazy because of it. However, LeBron saw that there were still some holes in his game, so he began to get even bigger, develop a MUCH more consistent jump shot, and overall take his game to heights we could not have imagine. No one in the league works as hard day in and day out at being a better player.

4. Driving the Lane- LeBron has one of the most amazing combinations of agility, speed, and strength. He goes to the lane with such power, yet he still has the body control to create the contact, draw the foul, and finish the shot. His first step blows by the defender and he creates an easy shot for himself. If the defense collapses, he will always make the right pass. LeBron's drive is like no other.

3. Defense- Two word; Lock Down. Whoever LeBron decides to guard isn't going to score and the chase down rejection has become his forte. LeBron takes the best player out of every game. You can't put a price on that type of defensive presence.

2. Passing- Magic Johnson's flare with John Stockton's fundamentals. I love the way LeBron sees the court. His vision is unmatched, and he always hits his target. On top of everything else, its fun to watch. Most people that can score the way he can do not make the effort to become great passers. You can really admire LeBron's commitment to being a solid all-around player.

1. LeBron James makes everyone on his team better- Every player that steps on the court wearing the same jersey as LeBron has become a better player because of it. He constantly gets his team mates involved, and pushes the idea that the team needs to be successful as a whole. It is nice to know that he has the capability to do it himself, but opts not to many times. He turns players into good players and good players into All Stars (Mo Williams). Often times we let superstars try and do everything themselves rather than allow a true team to develop.However, LeBron is the ultimate team mate and this is what makes him the best player in the NBA.

LeBron's talent is undeniable. His skills, along with his intangibles, are what make him such a great player and team mate. Many people have their opinions, but when you look at the facts it is clear to see that LeBron is the best player in the NBA. The Miami Heat play the New Orleans Hornets this evening, and I am most certain we will be seeing all of these reasons at work.

I will surely be giving you my pre game predictions before the game later today. Get em Lebron.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Syncing up early

The Heat are certainly on the right track now. After stumbling through the opener against the Celtics, the Miami Heat have not lost a game, including what I would consider to be an extremely impressive win vs Orlando. It has been said that Miami's biggest problem would be playing against big men, and yet they handled one of the best centers in the game today.

LeBron is really firing on all cylinders in Miami. He clearly understands what he has to do in order to win the game. We saw an all too familiar pattern in Cleveland of LeBron trying to get the team involved in the first half, realizing they are not going to do much of anything, and taking over in the second half. We saw against the Timberwolves that when LeBron tries to get others involved early in Miami, Dwayne wade and James Jones shoot lights out. By the time the third quarter comes around, when most teams are starting to feel winded, LeBron is just warming up. It is hard to imagine any team being prepared for the second half intensity that Miami brings.

Wade is also doing a terrific job with LeBron thus far. He understands that sometimes he is going to be cold, and instead of trying to prove something he needs to just swallow his pride and let LeBron pick up the slack. These guys talked a lot about distribution of the ball in the off season, and it is really nice to see it working out so well. With Wade having that bust out potential at any given time, defenses will constantly be on edge.

Bosh is doing his thing. It seems to me like he has not really found his rhythm yet. Luckily for him, there is plenty of time to do so. Bosh understands that he is not going to have a ton of points, and that he has seemingly gone from first option to third option over night. Thats a tough pill to swallow, and he is handling it VERY well. I expect him to be a role player on this team, and to casually get his numbers and help propel Miami in the post season.

I am liking the way the bench has emerged in the last two games. James Jones is lights out, andI like how he plays off of LeBron and Wade. He looks for openings to shoot, rather than standing there and waiting for one of them to create. He is my X factor every game. I like the way he plays, I like his quick stroke, and I think he is going to do a lot of scoring as the season goes on.

I remember when the Heat first signed Bosh and James that people were running around going, "WELL NOW, WHO IS GONNA TAKE THE LAST SHOT IN A CLOSE GAME?". Every single time someone asked that question I just remember thinking to myself, "Who thinks the games are going to be close?". After these past victories, it is clear to see that most games wont be, so we don't really have to worry about that last shot scenario. If and when that opportunity does present itself, I strongly believe that the most open man will take the last shot, whether it be LeBron, Dwayne, Bosh, House, Jones, or big Z. The Heat have a lot of veterans on their team. When you look at players like Howard and Stack, you know that they are hungry for a ring. When you really want to win, it doesn't matter who takes the last shot, as long as it goes in. As long as the unselfish play that has been seen as of late continues, there is no ceiling for Miami.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Give Bosh A Break!

Today I read an article on talking about how Chris Bosh can't handle the spotlight. The article went on to talk about how Bosh is nowhere near on the level of LeBron and Wade, and should not even count towards the big 3. People are obviously not impressed with Bosh's numbers early in the season.

But really, what is the problem here? If the Heat are winning, why cant Bosh only have 13 a game. We all know from Toronto that he is capable of bigger numbers, but the number that most important is the record. Think about it, Bosh is averaging lower numbers, but the Heat are winning by at least 20 in every victory they've had! If D-Wade was putting up the same numbers Bosh was, everyone would talk about what a great guy he was for sharing the spotlight. However, since it does happen to be Bosh, and since no one really paid attention to him in Toronto (no offense), everyone getting ready to sink their teeth into the guy.

My point is, give him a bit of a break. They are winning, that is absolutely all that matters. I am sure Bosh would prefer 10 points in a win than 40 in a loss. Plus, its only been a few games! Just because Wade and James seemed to sync up with the offense earlier than Bosh appears to, that does not in any way mean that he wont. He will have his big games, and until then, I am completely fine with him putting up these numbers as long as Miami ends up with a W. So, lets give Bosh a couple more weeks to get accustomed to the offense. Until that time, we should all take it easy on the guy. Miami is a big spotlight, and I have a strong feeling he will come into his own very soon.

South Beach Blowout: James and Wade lead the charge in 129-97 victory

They get better every game. This game really showed me something. The energy in the crowd was amazing, the team played great, and we got some great bench play! Lets break this game down.

Offense- D Wade led the charge in the first half while LeBron was throwing assists like its his job. In the second half when wade settled down, LeBron took over with a 14 point third quarter performance. James Jones tacked on 17 points and shot very well from the 3 point line. Great team offensive effort.

Defense- Got the job done. We didn't see a lock down performance, but it got the job done. Beasley getting injured early with a hip contusion certainly helped out, but overall we saw a solid defensive performance, including two blocks with authority from King James.

I loved watching this game. The Heat continue to show so much improvement from game to game and are quickly evolving into an unstoppable force. I like the way the team is gelling offensively and the defensive presence cannot be denied. The energy that the Heat played with was unprecedented, and you can see that the whole team is enjoying playing together. I completely got the score wrong with my prediction, but LeBron did have 20 and 12 assists and Dwayne put up a solid 26 points, including a monstrous dunk following a Bosh block. Bosh did his part to help the Heat to a solid victory and the bench complimented the starting 5 well.

To sum everything up; strong offense, solid defense, LeBron went out there and got his, Dwayne started the game off right, and the Heat are improving at astronomical rates. I don't like to get excited preternaturally, but this team is going to be special. So get excited.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Heat Take On T-Wolves Tonight At 7:30 PM (Eastern Time)

So the Timberwolves will be rolling into Miami tonight to take on LeBron and the Heat. T- Wolves are coming into this game 1-2, and are definitely in the rebuilding stage. Here are a few things to look for tonight.

- Miami has arguably the best home court advantage in the NBA ( along with LA, Golden State, and OKC). Its going to be really loud and a lot of energy, if the Heat get off to a big start...forget about it.

- Look for James Jones to have a solid performance. I really like this guy. A tall, lanky, spot up shooter with a trigger fingers. LeBron and Wade should be taking it to the cup and having that big front court of the T-Wolves collapse pretty often, so Jones and House should have a field day. 

- Expect a sound offensive preformance from James, Bosh, and Wade. I don't think anyone will be putting up 40 tonight, but we know LeBron and Dwayne have the capability to get hot fast. I expect around 20 -25 points for each of them, with LeBron adding a handful of boards and around 10 assists. 

- Chris Bosh may be struggling today. T-Wolves are a large line up and it is not going to be an easy task for Bosh and Anthony to dominate the boards. 

On top of this, we cannot forget what Lebron has done to Minnesota in the past...

My prediction - Miami 98 T-Wolves 82

Get em' LeBron

Monday, November 1, 2010

Heat Blow Out Nets in 101-78 Win

 LeBron and friends put a beating on the Nets last night in Newark. It helped that New Jersey missed a ton of layups, and Terrence Williams had a terrible game, but a win is a win. Although the game had its moments (LeBron's tomahawk throw down in the second quarter drive to the lane for the big finish) but for the most part it was a fundamental victory.

This is the type of basketball I like to see. Sure, there were not a lot of high flying theatrics, no look passes, and buzzer beaters, but when your that good who really needs them? This type of win is what every basketball player likes to see. The Heat put good pressure on the ball, dominated the boards, and did not give the Nets any easy looks (not including the gimme's Lopez was getting in the first quarter. No one really had a dominate performance, but James had 20 points 7 boards and 7 assists while Wade added 18 and Bosh added 17.

Its great to these three gel like this, especially so early in the season. It was amazing to see how quickly people jumped off the heat bandwagon to try and hitch a ride to LA after the opening day loss to Boston. However, this group of guys quickly realize that in order for them to be a successful they need to work together. I love how LeBron does not have to carry the team anymore, and by working as a team the results this season should be outstanding.

As for LeBron, he was a presence to say the least. Between altering shots, throwing down a pair of dunks, and hitting up Z and a few other fellas for some assists, he was fun to watch. I love the way he handles the boos he receives no matter where he goes. He doesn't yell back or pound his chest. He just wins, and his game does ALL the talking.

Get to know me

Okay, so by now you guys probably have figured out that I am a very big Lebron supporter. I feel like there are a lot of people who just jumped on the LeBron, D-Wade, Bosh bandwagon, so let me tell you where this all started.

When I was in sixth grade LeBron was a junior in high school. Everyone in the basketball world was talking about him, and I was caught up in every second of it. I watched every televised high school game, read every article about him, and watched in awe as the media turned this 17-year-old into a large than life star.

I had my concerns about LeBron, as any fan would. I was afraid he would not be able to handle the media, or that he would let the money get to his head, or something would happen in order to crush my dreams. Needless to say, I was proven wrong. LeBron talked with the sophistication of an adult and handled himself in an extremely mature manner.

From that point on, I followed LeBron in whatever he did. When he was drafted to Cleveland I watched his rookie debut. I watched him develop a jump shot, I watched him be compared to Magic Johnson, and I watched him pick the whole Cavaliers team up and put them on his back (as he often did) in an amazing playoff win against Detroit a few years back. Everything he did, I was watching. I was amazed by his talents, and new that I was watching a legend in the game of basketball.

Since the decision was made, LeBron had turned from America's hero to public enemy number 1 in a matter of months. I understood that people could get a little upset, but the way people acted was completely ridiculous. I honestly feel that is the type of disrespect that you should give no person on this earth. I now see all the hate he receives via twitter, Facebook, and everything else. Quite frankly, I have seen enough. LeBron is a true great in the game today and deserves our respect. I created this blog to give you a detailed look at LeBron's career. STARTING with Miami. This is not to say that the past is not important. The past is important, however, it is also the past. It is time to move on, and by move on, I mean over the non believers, above the haters, and through the competition. Lets get this started right.

Welcome to Lebrons Heat Wave!

Introducing LeBron's Heat Wave!

This new blog about my LeBron James and his quest for the NBA title will be filled with plenty of pictures and up-to-date information about LeBron James and the Miami Heat. I hope that--in time--this website will grow and flourish into something all LeBron fans can appreciate.

With LeBron's new start in Miami, we have a new blog right along with it to keep up! Enjoy!