Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why LeBron will be key in beating the Celtics

Tomorrow Boston is going to go all out. You know this is a team with that doesn't hold back anything. From their on court dominance in many games, to Paul Pierces self proclaimed title of best in the NBA, to Garnett's mouth., these guys are always going to be straightforward with you. In this case, they are extremely confident going into tomorrow nights game. Why shouldn't they be? They beat Miami pretty bad in the first game of the year. However, the Celtics do not have LeBron James.

LeBron will be key in this game. Lets look at why he is going to do everything he can to beat the Celtics.

LeBron does not like the Celtics. I am sure he respects them, but he definitely is not a fan. They have bumped heads many times, often in the playoffs, and the Celtics have kicked LeBron out of the playoffs more than once. You can tell from his on court demeanor, the strength of his drives, and the poise of his defense that he does not want to lose to this team. I expect all those emotions to be a serious part of how he plays.

LeBron brings defense to the table. Whatever guy you put him on, he is going to take him out of the game. There have been very few times that I can remember where someone who was guarded by LeBron has had a huge game. I expect to see LeBron shutting down at least one member of the big 3.

LeBron will be going hard to the rim to try and get the Celts in foul trouble. 
LeBron will attack the rim. You know that ones the James train gets rolling it is extremely hard to stop. LeBron will use his power and speed to get to whole and try to make the Celtics foul him. He seems to be much more confident at the line this year, and I would not be surprised if a lot of his points came from free throws.

LeBron will pick up the slack. If the Heat are not rebounding, he will rebound. If the Heat are having trouble moving the ball, he will find the open man. If the Heat are having trouble scoring, he will take the game into his own hands. James has the special ability to pick any part of the game and make it his own. If the Heat start out with some weak rebounding (and they might), look for him to be crashing the boards whenever he can. Miami is going to need all the help they can get down low.

LeBron has the IT factor. We have seen it before, there is no words to really describe some of the things LeBron can do when he gets in this zone. Maybe a +40 point triple double in the garden, or 28 straight points against the Pistons. How about that buzzer beater against Orlando. There is not a statistic for what LeBron can do for a team when he gets into that kind of groove. We have not seen it yet this season, but I feel as though it is coming very soon.

If LeBron gets mad, Boston is in trouble, period.

Get em.

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