Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Miami 114 Jazz 116 : Breaking Down the Game

Okay, this is a tough loss to take. To be completely honest I was considering waiting a while to post this, just because I was so shocked. However, I want to talk about it while the ideas are still fresh in my head.

To start off, let me just tip my hat to Millsap. He played an amazing game with 46 points. He played clutch basketball and gave Utah the throttle they needed to win this game.

Deron Williams added 21 points and 14 assists. As I had stated in my pre game break down, this guy needs to be locked up in order for Miami to get a victory. By the time he had fouled out Utah had already gotten all the momentum they needed for this win.

The Jazz had some of the most impressive late game shooting I have ever seen to bring that game into over time. Credit must be given where credit is due.

Now that I have given my respect to the other team, lets go with the good and the bad for the Heat.


I would had liked to see Miami shoot a little better in the closing minutes of regulation. Arroyo has got to hit those free throws late game. Free throws are extremely important, and proved to be one of the differences in the game.

Rebounding late in the game was not the best it could be. That ball is precious, and late in the game you have to be willing to throw your body in harms way in order to grab it. Furthermore, once you grab it you secure it like its glued to your hands. I would had liked to see a little more intensity on the boards.

I am usually not one to blame the refs, but that last second call really bothers me. In a game like that, with that much time left, no foul should be called unless a player is bleeding out of their eyeballs. That last point should be something that is worked for, not handed over on a silver platter. Utah did play a fantastic game, but I just do not agree with that call.


Honestly, other than rebounding and free throws, I didn't see that much wrong with tonight's game. Lets take a look at all the good we can take away from this loss.

LeBron and Wade can have amazing games simultaneously. I predicted LeBron would do something big tonight, and he did not disappoint. King James put up 20 points in a triple double to compliment Wades 39 point performance. I loved Lebron's court vision tonight. He found players and hit them in perfect stride to give them the easiest shots possible. His first triple double as a member of the Heat was very impressive.

Wade shot lights out tonight. He scored from every possible angle and hit a few BIG shots late game. I like how Wade took over late in the game. Although LeBron was having a good second half as well, it was understood that Wade was the hot hand. As a result, that is where the ball went. I am extremely happy that these two are confident enough in each other to allow whoever the hot hand is to take over the ball game. This is a huge plus to take away from tonight's game.

I liked Bosh's points. I had told you guys he would get around 16, and he got 17. He did a good job scoring and had a big block late in the game. He is continually getting more comfortable in the offense, and has shown dramatic improvement over the past few games.

Finally, I think to spite what many of you think, the Heat did a very good job stopping the bleeding. Whenever Utah would go on a run, some one would step up and make a great play. This went on over the course of the whole game. Even when Utah game back from a 22 point deficit, Miami responded and brought the whole crowd back to life.

Overall, this loss was so hard to watch because both teams played such great basketball. LeBron and Wade both had career nights, and Bosh went out there and did his thing. From this game, Miami can work on the mistakes, while at the same time learning a lot about team chemistry and how much damage they can do when both James and Wade are hot. The first bunch of games this season is going to be about learning, and the Heat can take a lot of positives away from tonight along with the negatives.

Now, here is the big question. Can the Miami Heat take a punch? Boston is rolling in on Thursday, and they have their heart set on doing some damage down in South Beach. The Heat are going to have to rally together and work as a team to show the Celtics they are not to be messed with. I think the Heat are going to use tonight's game to put together a strong performance on Thursday.

If your a Celtics fan, the only thing your more scared of than a Heat team that wins by 20, is a Heat team that is very, very mad.

Miami has a lot of aggression to take out on Boston this Thursday. Get excited.

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