I really can not stand people like this. These scum bags who make their careers of exploiting someone else. Raab's entire career (and probably life) consists of him trying to show the world what a terrible person LeBron is. The truth of the matter is, he smells blood because he knows LeBron has pissed some people in Cleveland off, and he is going for the kill. He is using hatred of LeBron to build a fan base. As a writer myself, I think this is entirely unacceptable. I will be the first one to tell you I do not like most Celtics players, but I would never make it my goal to write about how much I hate them. On top of that, most of my comments towards the Celts would only be in response to negative things they may have said about a team or player I support. To make your career out of trying to ruin someone else's is absolutely pathetic.
I am glad the NBA was smart enough to agree with the call. No man should be given permission to mock a single player for his career and receive support. David Stern made the right call here (as he often does).
I would love to see LeBron go 12 rounds with Raab. I know Raab would be out cold in 1, but I still would get some pleasure watching James beat him down for the next 11, regardless of how conscious he is.
It is a fact that there will always be people to try and tear you down. I think LeBron, the Heat, and the league have handled the situation wonderfully. LeBron has received this criticism before, and I know he will handle it the only way he knows how; proving everyone wrong. LeBron is a man of great integrity, and he knows that all the people that hate and try to tear him down are just jealous and angry. LeBron, keep doing your thing, let the haters hate, and know that your going to have supporters no matter what this scum bag says.
I will be posting more in regards to the Suns game a few hours before tip off. In the mean time, get some rest, and get fired up.
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